There is no better indicator of a successful marketing program or strategy than getting or increasing sales.
This is something most businessmen or entreprenuers will tell you.
However, others say that getting customers to return and buy your product or service again, and again, is an even better sign of good marketing. Still others say that the ultimate goal of a great marketing strategy or program is to be able to successfully sell a new product or service on the strength of your brand name alone.
Which is the truer truism can be debated upon by those in the marketing profession. But one sure sign of a company having a good, make that great, marketing program, is being cited or awarded by a trusted association of professional marketers.
At the 40th Agora Awards Night held by the Philippine Marketing Association at the Okada Manila, Phoenix Petroleum was named the “Marketing Company of the Year.”
In accepting the award, Phoenix Petroleum chairman and president Dennis Uy said, “We at Phoenix and Udenna are humbled to receive the Philippines’ highest marketing distinction. It is especially heartwarming that Agora shines a spotlight on products and services that have improved the Filipino way of life.”
This is the second time that Uy has come up on stage to receive an Agora Award. Back in 2013, the Phoenix president was cited an individual award for “Outstanding Achievement in Entrepenuership – Large Scale.
This may be why Uy believes Phoenix achieving the highest distinction for marketing was destined. “Besides being a fan of maketing and strong brands. I am also a believer in destiny. And in a sense, we were destined to be here tonight. As our vision in Udenna is to be the indispensable partner in nationbuilding, driven by passion to improve the lives of Filipinos,” he said in his acceptance speech.
The Udenna that Uy is referring to is the holding company of the Udenna Group of Companies based in Davao City which consists, among others, of Phoenix Petroleum, the Family Mart convenience store chain, Chelsea Logistics, etc.
The Marketing Company of the Year award bolsters the credibility of Phoenix Petroleum in the industry as well as with consumer or the buying public, said Henry Albert R. Fadullon, Phoenix Petroleum chief operating officer.
In an interview, Fadullon said: “Apart from the customers who we have been serving, coming back to us, being loyal to us, responding to our marketing efforts, being recognized by a body as prestigious as Agora gives us more credibility as a brand, and reinforces the fact that what we have been doing is I guess comparable to what the others are doing.”
But the award also puts added pressure on Phoenix to continue to build on its success, said Ma. Celina Matias, Philippine Petroleum assistant vice president for brand and marketing.
“Of course we feel good but more than that it’s an affirmation that we’ve been doing something good and something right and this is something that we want to continue through the years. Also it puts a little bit of pressure on us because this award actually sets the standards,” she said.
But with the pressure comes the confidence that it has an effective marketing program for products that customers need and deserves, said Fadullon.
“As far as Phoenix is concerned, I guess because of the confidence that this award has given us, we will continue to promote, communicate, engage with our customers, show them what innovative ideas, products we have to offer them and more importantly continue what we’re doing, which is focusing on the customer, give them the best that we think they deserve and execute the customer promises that we have been developing for them and continue to do what we have been doing. So that’s perhaps the best thing that we can do, continue what we’re doing,” he said.
“In the last few years, we have aggressively endeavored to connect with our customers and build a solid relationship with our market. This is also part of our thrust to offer the best customer experience experience as we transform Phoenix into a multi-industry consumer brand,” he said in press statement.
“From a little-known brand several years ago, Phoenix now ranks third in patronage and loyalty, and it is largely because of our best-value offerings complemented by innovative marketing and communications campaign.”
Congratulations to Phoenix Petroleum, its President Dennis Uy, COO Henry Albert Fadullon and Brand and Marketing AVP Ma. Celina Matias.
We also would like to extend our congratulations to the following Agora Awards winners:
Manila Doctors Hospital for “Outstanding Achievement in Advocacy Marketing in Support of the UNGC-SDG.”
BPI Foundation for “Outstanding Achievement in Advocacy Marketing.”
Ana Marie A. Delgado, chief customer experience officer, Union Bank of the Philippines, for “Outstanding Achievement in Marketing Management.”
Luis U. Velasco III, International Marketing Head, for “Outstanding Achievement in Overseas Marketing.”
Carlos A. Agatep, CEO/chairman of Grupo Agatep, for “Outstanding Achievement in Marketing Communications.”
Lafayette Alvarez Lim, CEO; president of New City Commercial Corporation, for “Outstanding Achievement in Entreprenuership (Large Scale).”
Sam Christopher Lim, CMO/president of Francorp Philippines/U-Franchise, for “Outstanding Achievement in Entreprenuership (Medium).”
Again, Congratulations to all the winners!
Happy Motoring!!!
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