Flash Express elevates transportation logistics capabilities by purchasing FOTON’s Tornado trucks

Flash Express, the fastest-growing courier and logistics company in the Philippines speeds up its logistics transport services by purchasing additional fleets from FOTON Motor Philippines, Inc.

During the turnover ceremony of the trucks at the FOTON Motors compound in Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Flash Express Representative Mr. Liu Deng Ke acknowledged FOTON not only as their transport supplier but their partner in bringing their mission to provide the best logistics service to their customers.

“Our company is making sure that we are professionally equipped with all the logistics requirements and one of which is our transportation system. Last year, Flash Express gave its trust to FOTON Motor Philippines, Inc., considering its proven track-records in providing quality transportation units to the logistics players in the Philippines over the years that’s why we were able to purchase our first batch of Flash Express Fleets units which we must say are of high-quality. This year, we are happy to purchase another batch which is the reason why we are gathered here today for the turnover ceremony.” Deng Ke said.

FOTON Motor Philippines Inc. General Manager Mr. Levi Santos acknowledged the commitment of Flash Express in providing quality logistics services by elevating its transportation capabilities through the additional number of FOTON Tornado M4.2C 15ft closed van and EST M 6×2 32ft closed van.

“FOTON Motor Philippines, Inc. is a well-respected commercial vehicle provider for the past 16 years, and it is with pride to say that our trucks are known for their durability, reliability, and efficiency. By choosing FOTON, you’ve demonstrated your commitment to delivering exceptional service to your clients, and we applaud you for that. We also commit that our after sales service will provide excellent support to keep these trucks in operation.” Levy Santos said.

This second batch of Flash Express trucks purchased from FOTON is expected to elevate the overall logistics services of Flash Express alongside with the company’s business expansion and to cover its transportation requirements as it continues to add more fleets across its serviceable areas nationwide.

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